Using a Date Parameter in a URL for an Agent to Parse and Get ViewEntry Collection Issue: You have a view that is sorted by date (e.g. 10/2/2003) and you want to get all entries in the view by that date. You create an agent that gets the user date input but the date in the column does not "match' the key date (NotesDateTime or LSTime) in the agent. Easy Solution: VIEW SETUP 1. Change the first column forumula so that it is really the date in a text format: @Text(@Year(Date)) + "-" + @Right("0" + @Text(@Month(Date)); 2) + "-" + @Right("0" + @Text(@Day(Date)); 2) 2. Set the column sort to either ascending or descending) AGENT SETUP 1. Get querystring out the current document Dim s as New NotesSession Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim querystr As String Set doc=s.DocumentContext querystr=doc.Query_String_Decoded(0) 2. Parse the variables out of querystr (Turn !OpenAgent&date=10/2/2003 to 10/2/2003) Dim datestr As String ' e.g. datestr="10/2/2003" datestr = GetQSParam(querystr, "date") example function: Function GetQSParam(sourcestr As String, keystr As String) As String ' this functions takes an incoming string (sourcestr), ' looks for a parameter key string (keystr) and gets the parameter. ' It returns the parameter as String ' NOTE THIS FUNCTION WORKS FOR THE PASSING OF A SINGLE PARAMETER ONLY Dim formulastr As String ' string of formula language code Dim ev As Variant ' evaluation variant ' build formula and evaluate formulastr = |@Middle("| & sourcestr & |&| & |"; "| & keystr & |="; "&")| ev = Evaluate(formulastr) ' return result GetQSParam = ev(0) End Function 3. Use the returned text to make a new NotesDateTime object Dim userDate as NotesDateTime Set userDate = New NotesDateTime(datestr) 4. Reformat the Date using the Format$ function. Dim keystr As String keystr = Format$(userDate.LSLocalTime,"yyyy-mm-dd") 5. Get the collection using the new key Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim v As NotesView Dim vC As NotesViewEntryCollection Set db=s.CurrentDatabase Set v=db.GetView("MyLookupView") Set vC = v.GetAllEntriesByKey(keystr) Note: The collection returned will be in the same order as you chose for the view sort.