Following is code for click event of button to update field on current document (not in edit mode - e.g. to approve w/o having to edit) and show the document's new value in view upon close rather than having to manually refresh. Also used if document update (e.g. approval) removes document from current view. Dim w as New NotesUIWorkspace Dim s as NotesSession Dim db as Notesdatabase ' current db Dim uiDoc as NotesUIDocument ' current doc Dim doc as NotesDocument ' current doc backend Dim v as NotesView ' view to be refreshed ' update doc Set uiDoc = w.CurrentDocument Set doc = uiDoc.Document Set db = s.CurrentDatabase Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("fldnm", "newval") Call doc.Save(True, False) Call uiDoc.Close ' no need to reload just to close ' update views Set sV = db.GetView("navViewNm") If Not (sV is Nothing) Then Call sV.Refresh() ' update backend first End If Call w.ViewRefresh() ' done