Roundcube Plugin Install on Ubuntu 20.04 with ISPConfig 3.x

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 09/29/2020 at 03:58 PM



Install the ISPConfig Roundcube Settings account utilities.

Although we have made links on the login screen to the user's account settings, it is clearer to incorporate directly to Roundcube's settings.

Create a Remote user using the ISPConfig admin GUI:
System --> User Management (heading on left) --> Remote Users (view)
Click the Add new user button.
- Complete the following:
Username: PluginUserAcct
Password: theverygoodpwd
Functions: (checked)
-- Client functions
-- Server functions
-- Mail user functions
-- Mail alias functions
-- Mail forward functions
-- Mail spamfilter user functions
-- Mail spamfilter policy functions
-- Mail fetchmail functions
-- Mail spamfilter whitelist functions
-- Mail spamfilter blacklist functions
-- Mail user filter functions
- Click the Save button.

Switch to a terminal on the ISPConfig server.
Confirm Roundcube newest version:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade roundcube
< up to date>

Check for plugins at /usr/share/roundcube/plugins:
$ cd /usr/share/roundcube/plugins/

Use wget on server, or download and transfer to server the utility zip:
File: --> extracts to folder of same name with folders for each of the utility plugins. In our case we changed the name of the folder to "tmp".

Copy from tmp location to plugins folder:
$ cd /home/myadmin/tmp/
$ ls -l
< ispconfig3_account ispconfig3_autoreply ispconfig3_autoselect ispconfig3_fetchmail ispconfig3_filter ispconfig3_forward ispconfig3_pass ispconfig3_spam ispconfig3_wblist >
$ rm

Change owner to root of all the plugin folders:
$ sudo chown root:root ispconfig3_*/

Move the files to the plugin folder:
Note: Although we have a plugins folder at /usr/share/roundcube/plugins, the folder being used was /var/lib/roundcube/plugins/.
$ sudo mv ispconfig3_*/ /var/lib/roundcube/plugins/

Make the file, and add the following lines:
$ cd /var/lib/roundcube/plugins/ispconfig3_account/
$ sudo vi
$config['identity_limit'] = false;
$config['remote_soap_user'] = 'PluginUserAcct';
$config['remote_soap_pass'] = 'theverygoodpwd';
$config['soap_url'] = '';
$config['soap_validate_cert'] = false;

Reload and test:
$ sudo systemctl reload apache2
< open a browser, login to roundcube >

Look for errors:
$ tail /var/log/roundcube/errors
< ... "PHP Error: Failed to load plugin "... >

At this point we noticed errors that the plugins seem to want the config folder below, too. Decided rather than move, to just create a soft link:
$ cd config/
$ pwd
< /var/lib/roundcube/plugins/ispconfig3_account/config >
$ sudo ln -s ../ ./

Reload and test:
$ sudo systemctl reload apache2
< open a browser, login to roundcube >

Verify no errors:
$ tail /var/log/roundcube/errors
< no new errors, just the old ones.>

Complete testing:
- Back in browser, in the Roundcube mail file, click the Settings gear:

On the left, click the Account gear icon, and under the Section heading, select each option and verify working properly.
Account Forwarding Preference Setting

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